Thursday, 11 September 2014

Back to school points and tips (Sorry it's late)


          Back to school.

We all hate the thoughts of going back to school, but it's got to be done. So I'm going share with my thoughts of  how you can make going back to school easier and stress free. I'm going to start of with some prepration.

1. You will need all the basics like books and notebooks. But to        make it easier, organise it into colours or subjects. I like to keep the book and the same subject notebook together so when I need to grab them from my locker there together.

E.g. English in blue and it's kept beside an English book 

2. Timetable (work schedule) 

   It's important to know your       timetable. Your timetable (or work schedule) in school, college, university or even in your work place is like your heart, it's the thing that keeps you alive, because I'm sure your teachers or employer won't be happy if your late for their class or an important meeting. So also keep it on you or learn of by heart, and you'll be okay ! 


E.g. An example of a secondary school timetable in Ireland. This is an easy one to read, you have your time in the side and the subjects are beside it. 

3. "Too much or Too less"

     This one is for the girls ! 

We all like to look out best even if we're not feeling it, But sometimes you need to know when enough is enough 


You will know yourself when your make-up is over done, but just incase your finding it hard here's some tips !

• If your in secondary school you may not be aloud to wear make-up at all but if you are I'm sure it has to be kept to a minimum.
• So don't have a 'smokey eye' or 'deep red lips' because it's not something that is considered appropriate for school. (It may be in your school but most schools I know it's know).
•keep you foundation light and lips and eyes neutral, this may not be your style of make-up but it's only for school. 
• You can also go a darker in your eyes and/or lips when the day is over, but for the few hours your there keep it simple. 

• Please note I'm not telling you what to wear and not to wear, it's just my opinion.

4.  Homework !

Yes I know we all hate this word but it's gotta be some time. 
Here are some tips
• Always make an effort !! You made hate doing it but your teachers will appreciate the extra work and effort you put in.

• keep it neat. 
label your work, even put a date on it so you know when it was done. If there's question put a "1 2 3" beside the start of the question so you and your teacher can tell them apart.

• Hand it in on time !!
If you hand it in on time not only will you not get in trouble but also get a good name for yourself and may even make some teachers trust you some more. 
"A little can do a lot."

5. Be on time !!

This, most like the rest of my points are just a bit of common sense but when it comes to being on time some people just can't do it.

• Being on time 
Is not only a sign of respect but shows that you can be trusted to do something. This may sound stupid but some people trust people who are on time more than others who aren't so if you want to gain someone's trust be on time (along with many other things) !! 

So there you go some little points and tips on school. Hope it help it may not have but still hoped you enjoyed !!!

(P.S. Sorry if the font got bigger I don't know how that happened)

Tuesday, 22 July 2014



My name is CĂ­ara, I thought it would be cool if I started a blog
about me and the things I'm interested in. For example horse riding, make-up, fashion and smoothie's. I hope my blog becomes enjoyable for those who read it. This isn't going to be long because I just wanted to introduce myself. I hope you enjoy my blog from now and onwards and enjoy hearing what I have to say. 

I hopfully will be uploading every Sunday. If you do enjoy my blog please follow, comment and maybe share it with friends 
I'd love to hear all your feed back. :) If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask !! 

                                         This is me